Kenny Lee Award Winners

The Kenny Lee Award was established to honor Kenny for his lifetime of dedication to providing education to his fellow Locksmiths, specifically, his expertise in safe and vault lock manipulation and visualizing what was taking place inside whatever they were working on. Much of his efforts during a time when sharing information was frowned upon. Those honored since have been selected because they provided extraordinary service to our Association and Locksmith Industry.

OMLA - Kenny Lee Award


 Steven Brekel
For his support of OMLA during the Pandemic.
 Ed Humes
For his dedication to our industry
Jackie Roberts 2020 Lifetime Advocate for the Association through outreach to all members
Ron Bada 2019 Served as Educator and Vice President
Clarence Weber 2018 Served as Secretary and assisted in all events
Gary Frame 2017 Served as Director and assisted in all events
Jim Loomis 2016 Served as Director, swap meets, and assisted in all events
Dusty Brummitt 2015 Served as Vice President, Legislative Liaison, Educator, dedicated service
John Ruperd 2014 Served as Education Director, Educator, lifetime advocate for OMLA
Deb Hudecek 2012 Dedicated servant to OMLA through catering, organizing events, etc.
Loretta Loomis 2011 Lifetime serving OMLA, served as Treasurer, providing assistance at events
Wilma Lee 2010 Dedicated service to Kenny and his education programs. Scholarship
Mike McGrew 2009 Served as Vice President, President, current Editor, Locksmith Licensing
Charles Hudecek 2007 Served as President, Legislative Liaison, Advisory Committee, Advocate
Laurie Simmon 2006 Educator, Lifetime Advocate for OMLA
A.B. (Pete) Parker 2005 Past President, Educator, Guided restoration of OMLA, Advocate
Tommy Minick 2004 Lifetime Educator, Advocate for Association, Outreach to all Locksmiths
Gloria Holzschue 2003 Lifetime Advocate, served as Secretary
Jerry McNickle 2002 Lifetime member and Educator, President, helped form OMLA, ALOA
Lowell Roberts 2001 Lifetime service, Past President, Legislative Liaison, helped restore OMLA
Kenny Lee 2000 Lifetime Educator for Locksmith Industry, Past President, Advocate