OMLA Class offerings for Summer 2022

OMLA is offering a Level 2 Locksmith training class tentatively scheduled for July 23rd, 2022. It’s a 100% hands on, minimal instruction class with advanced training in advanced picking, Impressioning, master keying, Installing and re-keying Kwikset Smartlock with touch pad. A tool kit the Student can keep will be provided. Please see the Flyer, then fill out the registration form and submit with payment for the class.

August classes are set. Patrick Walling will be our instructor for the Morning.
He will be providing training on methods of opening Safe Deposit Box Locks for Facilities where the renter’s keys are missing. Class will be August 06,2022 starting at 8 am. Cost will be $100.00 per individual. Meal provided and meeting separate morning and afternoon sessions. Afternoon session is to be led by Ron Bada and consists of advanced picking techniques on intermediate and difficult applications, immediately following the general business meeting. See Flyer and Application form.

Contact Clarence Weber at – for payment of classes and/or
application for class can be found on OMLA’s Facebook page “Oklahoma
Master Locksmith Association “( do not use “The Oklahoma Master
Locksmith Association” for the purpose of registering for this class)
Class location will be at ADT, 7504 Broadway Extension, Oklahoma City,
OK. 73116 (No. of 63rd and Broadway Extension